Onsite Resident Compost
/Along with electric vehicles and water-saving toilets, a sound composting program has always been high on Hillside's site needs. Many things being implemented at Hillside are cutting-edge green technologies that often have to be justified in our accounting department. Composting is not one of them - it just makes sense.
In 2009, our progressive cousin San Franciso made a citywide ordinance to implement composting for all residents and businesses. Their curbside composting pickup program has resulted in 78 percent of waste diverting from SF's landfills. For reference to some numbers, New York City says that they spend over $85 million a year sending food waste to landfills!
So, we could set up an easy system for residents to have their compost picked up and call it a day, but we wanted to take things one step further. How about keeping all of the organic material onsite and using the finished compost for landscaping and residential gardens? It sounds pretty easy, but outdoor space restrictions smells, and potential animal visitors have us looking for more urban-friendly systems rather than your average pile of decomposing material. Thanks to MassDEP's report that reviewed, "On-Site Systems for Processing Food Waste," we could pinpoint the perfect composter for us - the Biogreen 360!
We could not believe what this little thing can do. Within 24 hours, the machine can break down material to 10% of its original weight. Biogreen 360 comes in 4 different sizes that can accept between 250 and 1,500 lbs of organic material a day. Using heat and microorganisms, the machine is designed to process food waste biologically and produce 95 percent mature and stable compost. The final product, a dry soil-like substance, has an average pH level of 4.13, making it an ideal soil amendment or compost for plants requiring higher acidity, such as roses, fruit trees, blueberries, tomatoes, and potatoes. At Hillside, the Biogreen Composter will be located in the barn at the South East end of the site, but we hope to test the system at the Tannery before Hillside tenants move in. Two machines are coming our way soon!